Thursday, May 7, 2009

Blog 12

I feel like I have learned so much over this past semester. I really enjoyed our class. When I came in, I felt like I was a pretty good writer but I always have room for improvement. I think I learned most how to read and write critically in the class. Before, I was good at just reading the text straight through and telling you what I read and where you could find connections, but now I am really able to make meaningful, in-depth connections regarding the text. The theories still give me a bit of a time and so do the counterarguments but overall I think with work I have a much better idea of what I’m supposed to have. I definitely think what I have learned in this course will help me in other areas. I like to read a lot so knowing certain things to look for when I read will definitely help me to understand the material a little more initially. Also we learned a lot about researching! I had no idea it took so much time and so much work! Now that I know how to research I can better plan my research and know how to use it and when and where to use it. Finding and analyzing research takes a good bit of time; I’d even say it took more time to research than to actually write the paper. As far as the class goes, I really like it and I think it was neat that there were only three of us because we all got a lot of one on one time. However I did not like our schedule. We only met once a week and we never really had finite due dates which is not good for a procrastinator like myself. I think if we would have met more as a class and had definite due dates we would have learned a little more and been better prepared for our papers and assignments. I really liked the class though and I enjoyed discussion.

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